True to form, Mikey will be customizing this ride to his exact specs. It's getting a new blinged out chain, some pegs and some sweet handlebars. This is the sort of guy who matches his shoes to his moped!
Hanging with Mikey is fun because we invariably feel like little kids who've been let loose in the city. The fridge is always empty except for grape juice, red bull and ice cream. Every time I've hung out at his house over the years, he's always used his small kitchen floor as a mechanic bench and once had all eight of his mopeds squeezed in there. This night, he was switching hard drives on his computers and had like 3 macbooks in different pieces as well, so there were a bunch of different specialized toolboxes strewn about. We sat on the floor and worked on bikes.

Sorry for the lame picture - my camera is still broken from the time I sat on it in a club.
There is something to be said for riding in an upright, laid back position. It's quite a nice change from the crouched over racing form that I am usually in when I am on a bike. Riding BMX style means that you can observe the street from a less vulnerable position and get around looking effortless, like its no sweat. All of the 12 year old boys on our block are envying Mikey's bike; I could tell when they gave us a stare down when I rode the pegs down the sidewalk.
Mikey's friend Britton got a BMX the next week. He replaced the brake and has plans for a new drive train, tires, handlebars. He doesn't care because he got the bike for like $40.

He's got the same rims as my friend Jeremy, who loaned me his bike when I visited Denver. It was the best way to get around, and I am so glad to have had the chance to be so stylish when I was there. I couldn't be around all this bike customizing without referring to this sweet ride:
Now that our old roommate finally picked up her cruiser from our back porch, I'm considering a new bike; its probably going to be something laid back and solid.
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